Our complete Memorial Service with cremation in the Lower Mainland is $2,364.30, including taxes and registration fees.
This service is a blend of solemnity and personalization, offering a way to celebrate the life of the deceased while also honouring their wish for cremation. The memorial service can be conducted in a church, funeral home, or any place of significance. It typically includes eulogies, readings, music, and a display of photographs or personal items. The cremation occurs either before or after the service, and the ashes may be present in an urn. This option is suitable for those who desire a formal gathering, along with the simplicity and flexibility of cremation.
Professional & staff services | $1,605.00 |
Completing documents | $50.00 |
Transfer services (1) | $200.00 |
Facilities - General | $100.00 |
Cardboard cremation container | included |
White cardboard urn and packaging | included |
Cremation fee (2) (3) | $395.00 |
Sub-Total | $2,390.00 |
Less Discount for Members of Memorial Society of BC (10%) | - $239.00 |
Sub-Total - for Members of Memorial Society of BC | $2,151.00 |
Consumer Protection BC fee (Government) | $48.00 |
MSBC Records Fees | $35.00 |
Goods and Services Tax | $107.55 |
Death Certificate | $27.00 |
Total | $2,368.55 |
1. Additional charge for a transfers from Hope, private residences, hospices, care homes or other funeral homes - $145; Additional transfer fee for transfers from Squamish and Lions Bay - $600
2. Charge for a Cremation Tray may apply if your loved one is greater than 220 pounds - $299
3. Removal of pacemaker - $75